Well, I was planning to go for a motorcycle ride today to scope out some dirt roads north of town, but due to the snow, no dice. I used the time to actually take the written test for my motorcycle liscense instead. Now, as someone who has been riding motorcycles since I was 10 or something, roughly TWENTY years, I would consider myself somewhat knowledgeable in the operation of said machines. I was wrong. I got three questions wrong, two of which were run of the mill DMV absurdities.The one that really got to me was about how the throttle works. There are admittedly some instances when I am accelerationally challenged, as anyone who has ever seen me ride a bicycle can attest, but on a motorcycle I like to think I have a pretty firm grasp on the function of the right grip. Now, I know what you're saying, "Dusty, you ride a frigging KLR 650, a bike on which twisting the throttle and turning off the choke have about the same effect." Yes, you would in fact be correct, there can sometimes a "lag time" between giving the bike more gas and any noticeable increase in velocity. HOWEVER, if any of you have ever had the experience of taking a 1982 Honda CR480 with a fresh top end and a DG pipe out on the street and whacking the throttle open in second gear while realizing that you only have poorly adjusted drum brakes to slow you down before you try to negotiate the left turn at the end of the block on worn out sand tires, then you too will never, ever, ever forget how to operate a motorcycle throttle.