Yep, pretty cold for a motorcycle ride, but it was pretty nice out and I didn't feel like riding the rollers inside. Got up to Livermore and then headed out to Red Feather Lakes- even with the vest and the grips on high it was still pretty cold. The only real problem was getting stuck behind two snow plows. Every time they hit any snow it left a mist in the air that immediately covered the faceshield of my helmet. I had to stop twice so I could clean it off and see again.
Also, tried out the spot. Seems to work. It will be nice to let Georgia know I'm ok when I'm out of cell range. Got some new speakers too, way better on the bike. Last time I did a big ride with headphones I had to keep them cranked to hear the music and they still fell out, so not only did I miss out on the music but I was deaf from the wind. The new ones are a huge improvement.
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