Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ugly Car

I'll tell you what, I have seen some ugly cars before, but this one really takes the cake.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Can't decide

I can't decide which I hate more, squirrels or guys riding fixed gear bikes with moustaches. I don't mean moustache bars, either, I mean the guy has a moustache. I think you should have to choose which one you want, but you can't have both, it's just too much.

Squirrels, on the other hand, just annoy me. No redeeming qualities. Have you ever heard anyone say anything nice about a squirrel? Would you miss them if they packed up their nuts and left?

The reason I mention this is that a squirrel keeps getting into the bird feeder on the kitchen window. I think it's the same one that used to get into the compost bucket, but I can't be sure. I put the top to the barbeque over the compost bucket but this doesn't seem like sound strategerie for the bird feeder.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

elf boots

Pretty good ride with Ben and Georgia today except that the zipper on my shoe covers blew out. It looked like I was riding with elf boots.


this guy is the man

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

sorry, still figuring this out

more than a porn star

fall dual sport rides

We had some good dual sport rides this fall.

sometimes I ride a motorcycle too

cork floors

so I put some cork floors in the house, they came out pretty bitchin.


just trying to get some fitness, keep up with work stuff and keep from going stir-crazy.