Monday, October 13, 2008

Poison Spider

Quite the view. The landscape, not Rick's ass.
"I totally rode the whole thing, those signs are crap!"

Friday, August 1, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008

Teva Games

Flying Dogs
Ned putting the wood to the kids
Ben disapearing into the void
Dimebag would be proud

"I'm gonna hit the hottub until the detailer is done with my corvette."

Friday, May 30, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

He said beaver

Beaver meadows, up past Redfeather Lakes. Still lots of snow, but the dry stuff was good.

This is the best part about being married: "Woman, get my bike across that creek!"

Friday, May 23, 2008

Beautiful May Weather

Matt and I rode up to the top of Rocky Mountain National Park. There is still approximately 3.5 Honda Civic's worth of snow up there.
We wanted to get up there and enjoy the nice weather before all the tourists show up this weekend.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yeti sighting

Friday, May 2, 2008

good movies

I saw some good flicks recently.

Iron Man: Bob Downey Jr should play every super hero.

Charley Wilson's war: Philip Seymore Hoffman is the undisputed motherfuckin' MAN!

Margot at at the Wedding: I think a good soundtrack, whatshername looks good with dark hair.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

More cool stuff in the desert.

Sometimes it looked like Ketchum in June.
Until you came around a corner and found some of these,
Or these.

The desert.

It was, after all, a time trial.
Big rotors.
Small Rotors
Big dork.
Smaller dork with 70's lighting.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Clean Truck

Matt O hooked us up with what can only be describes as the best truck wash in California.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Fast on oil

Gasoline is for washing parts. Alchohol is for drinking. Diesel is for racing.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Man, if there's one thing that I have a really hard time dealing with on a ride, it's wind. I can pretty much deal with anything else; cold - just put enough jackets and winter shoes on, rain or mud grab some fenders, hot just remember to drink lots, but friggin wind? No way out, just have to suck it up. Usually it's not that bad, but right out of the door getting blown into the ditch, you know it's going to be a character builder ride. It's bad when it's in the 39x25 and you're going 8mph downhill. Hey, at least the sun is out and all this wind is hopefully drying out the trails.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Turk 182

Yes, we have some very perceptive grafiti artists here in the fort.

Finally got to ride Soverign Trail this weekend, that was way better than driving back over Vail pass in a snow storm.

If you like music, or even if you have ears, you should check out The Ramones: It's alive 1974-1996. Because you, much like Sheena, can be a punk rocker.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Fit to ride

I am now legally able to ride my motorcycle on the streets and byways of Colorado. After spending the day taking the motorcycle safety foundation test, I will know what to do if a tiny orange traffic cone jumps out in front of me while I'm going 15 mph.

Monday, March 3, 2008

sick workout

Holy shit, I did the most killer workout today. Man am I gonna be fast this year.

Spring cleaning

Got the simple green out today and cleaned the trailer. The new cabinets came out ok.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

warm weather

It's been pretty warm the last few days, these guys can swim IN the water instead of walking ON it.
Found some cool new stuff in Wyoming with Matt. Still some spots that would be better on a Ski-Doo.

Got some multi hour rides in on the ATB also. Just a friendly reminder, the uphill rider has the right of way.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the voice of reason

"For a week I had an infinite amount of patience ... Maybe it was my great desire to return to racing with an important project. However, we can't go forward like this. We are not able to continue to pull along this heavy weight that ruins our image, and now Ball also understands this. It is not enough to advertise and show off models."

-Mario Cippollini on Rock Racing

Sunday, February 17, 2008

two good movies

Since I only leave my house to ride my bike or get more coffee, I usually have no idea if there are any new movies worth watching. And since hollywood seems to be on the same page as the music industry, I just assume that there are not. I end up watching this and this over and over. However, this weekend I saw not one, but two really good flicks. Ratatouie, a cartoon about a french rat that cooks, and King of Kong, which is about the battle for the world record high score on Donkey Kong. Check em out.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No Nuts

Rode the fixed gear today for about an hour. Turned off the dirt road and headed east down a hill with a pretty good tailwind and managed to spin my nuts completely off. Once I got below 145 rpms I managed to slow down and snap a picture.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Skid for beer.

Here's a pretty awesome video of my friend Nat.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Enough with the sanding, what are you, mashuga?

Sanded the boat for the final time this morning. Now it's ready for the last coat of epoxy ont the bottom and sides.
I have been using a weenie roller to apply the epoxy but it keeps leaving tiny air bubbles. I think I'm gonna switch over to a foam brush for the last coat.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Some serious wind on the front range has forced me into the garage in the last couple days. I made some side rails for the boat, but I either need to get some faster drying epoxy or twice as many clamps. I also got some foam for my tool box so that all my tools don't end up clanking around the bottom every time I pick it up.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Put fiberglass on
The bottom and sides of the
Plywood cajun boat

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

25 degrees

Yep, pretty cold for a motorcycle ride, but it was pretty nice out and I didn't feel like riding the rollers inside. Got up to Livermore and then headed out to Red Feather Lakes- even with the vest and the grips on high it was still pretty cold. The only real problem was getting stuck behind two snow plows. Every time they hit any snow it left a mist in the air that immediately covered the faceshield of my helmet. I had to stop twice so I could clean it off and see again.

Also, tried out the spot. Seems to work. It will be nice to let Georgia know I'm ok when I'm out of cell range. Got some new speakers too, way better on the bike. Last time I did a big ride with headphones I had to keep them cranked to hear the music and they still fell out, so not only did I miss out on the music but I was deaf from the wind. The new ones are a huge improvement.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Which one is the gas?

Well, I was planning to go for a motorcycle ride today to scope out some dirt roads north of town, but due to the snow, no dice. I used the time to actually take the written test for my motorcycle liscense instead. Now, as someone who has been riding motorcycles since I was 10 or something, roughly TWENTY years, I would consider myself somewhat knowledgeable in the operation of said machines. I was wrong. I got three questions wrong, two of which were run of the mill DMV absurdities.The one that really got to me was about how the throttle works. There are admittedly some instances when I am accelerationally challenged, as anyone who has ever seen me ride a bicycle can attest, but on a motorcycle I like to think I have a pretty firm grasp on the function of the right grip. Now, I know what you're saying, "Dusty, you ride a frigging KLR 650, a bike on which twisting the throttle and turning off the choke have about the same effect." Yes, you would in fact be correct, there can sometimes a "lag time" between giving the bike more gas and any noticeable increase in velocity. HOWEVER, if any of you have ever had the experience of taking a 1982 Honda CR480 with a fresh top end and a DG pipe out on the street and whacking the throttle open in second gear while realizing that you only have poorly adjusted drum brakes to slow you down before you try to negotiate the left turn at the end of the block on worn out sand tires, then you too will never, ever, ever forget how to operate a motorcycle throttle.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Why is all new music crap?

I don't have an answer, but if you are in a band and you are not getting caught on tape smoking crack or playing like this, YOU HAVE FAILED!

Friday, February 1, 2008

never too cold

As Todd Carrier would say, FUCK YOU, COLD!

Just because it's the beginning of February and 35 degrees doesn't mean you cant get out for a nice 90mi motorcycle ride. One of these helps.